Clean Slate Fund
You are not the worst thing you’ve ever done.
If you have a criminal record, no matter how old the record or how minor the offense, it is nearly impossible to lead a normal life. The right to vote, access to housing and employment, custody of children, international travel, and more can all be severely restricted.
The Just City Clean Slate Fund gives people with a criminal record a second chance at essential social opportunities.
The process of clearing someone’s criminal record is called expungement. We help individuals determine if they qualify and then help them understand and navigate the complicated process and pay any relevant expungement-related fees.
Our Clean Slate Fund has helped more than 600 people eliminate a debilitating criminal record.
A clear criminal record can make a big difference for individuals, their families, and our community. It can lead to employment, a promotion, an educational loan, and better housing opportunities.
An independent evaluation estimated that criminal record expungement results in a 22% increase in earnings on average
More financial security makes families and neighborhoods stronger, which leads to safer, more productive communities. Just City is in the business of second chances because it benefits us all.
In 2019, Just City led the effort to completely eliminate Tennessee's expungement fee.
This kind of meaningful reform changes lives and makes the criminal legal system fairer. By eliminating the financial barrier to expungement, many more people have a second chance at a productive life.
What we’ve done:
Since 2015, Just City has helped more than 600 people eliminate a debilitating criminal record.
In 2019, we worked directly with the Governor’s office and members of the Tennessee General Assembly to eliminate the state expungement fee. A $100 local fee is still assessed in certain courts and cost isn’t the only barrier to expungement. The process is unnecessarily complex and difficult to navigate, and is designed to keep people in the criminal legal system for life.
How we can change it for good:
Eliminate all fees associated with expungement, including disqualifying court costs.
Reduce the minimum waiting period for expungement.
Include more eligible offenses.
Update the application and filing system.
Make some expungements automatic.